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目的:锻炼与针刺组合对退行性膝关节炎微循环血流灌注量的影响。方法:研究对象40例随机分为2组,分别是针刺组(单纯针刺)和锻炼组(站桩与针刺组合),对其实验前后疼痛程度(VAS)、微循环血流灌注量(MBPU)及皮肤温度的变化进行检测分析。结果:两组实验后,VAS评分明显降低(P<0.01),锻炼组优于针刺组(P<0.05);MBPU降低(P<0.01),锻炼组优于针刺组(P<0.05);局部温度明显提高(P<0.05)。结论:锻炼与针刺组合可以明显缓解退行性膝关节炎的疼痛症状,降低局部微循环血流灌注量,提高皮肤温度;优于单纯针刺疗法。  相似文献   
The present study assessed neuromuscular and corticospinal changes during and after a fatiguing submaximal exercise of the knee extensors in different modes of muscle contraction. Twelve subjects performed two knee extensors exercises in a concentric or eccentric mode, at the same torque and with a similar total impulse. Exercises consisted of 10 sets of 10 repetitions at an intensity of 80% of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction torque (MVIC). MVIC, maximal voluntary activation level (VAL) and responses of electrically evoked contractions of the knee extensors were assessed before and after exercise. Motor evoked potential amplitude (MEP) and cortical silent period (CSP) of the vastus medialis (VM) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles were assessed before, during and after exercise. Similar reductions of the MVIC (?13%), VAL (?12%) and a decrease in the peak twitch (?12%) were observed after both exercises. For both VM and RF muscles, MEP amplitude remained unchanged during either concentric or eccentric exercises. No change of the MEP amplitude input–output curves was observed post-exercise. For the RF muscle, CSP increased during the concentric exercise and remained lengthened after this exercise. For the VM muscle, CSP was reduced after the eccentric exercise only. For a similar amount of total impulse, concentric and eccentric knee extensor contractions led to similar exercise-induced neuromuscular response changes. For the two muscles investigated, no modulation of corticospinal excitability was observed during or after either concentric or eccentric exercises. However, intracortical inhibition showed significant modulations during and after exercise.  相似文献   
Growing evidence suggests that social identities may have profound implications for physical activity participation. Real-world examinations of this relationship have, however, been lacking, with research predominantly examining intentions and hypothetical scenarios. To address this shortcoming and further advance understanding in this area, the present study tested relationships between group identification, participation, two exercise-specific outcomes (exercise-specific satisfaction and group cohesion), and a broad health indicator (life satisfaction) among individuals recruited from parkrun. Participants (= 289) completed questionnaires measuring all variables except participants’ parkrun participation, which was objectively assessed. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that group identification was significantly associated with greater participation, exercise-specific satisfaction, group cohesion, and life satisfaction. Findings provide real-world evidence of the health-related benefits associated with forming strong social identities in exercise settings.  相似文献   
Purpose: To determine if: (i) mean power output and enjoyment of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are enhanced by virtual-reality (VR)-exergaming (track mode) compared to standard ergometry (blank mode), (ii) if mean power output of HIIT can be increased by allowing participants to race against their own performance (ghost mode) or by increasing the resistance (hard mode), without compromising exercise enjoyment.

Methods: Sixteen participants (8 males, 8 females, VO2max: 41.2?±?10.8 ml?1·kg?1·min?1) completed four VR-HIIT conditions in a partially-randomised cross-over study; (1a) blank, (1b) track, (2a) ghost, and (2b) hard. VR-HIIT sessions consisted of eight 60 s high-intensity intervals at a resistance equivalent to 70% (77% for hard) maximum power output (PMAX), interspersed by 60 s recovery intervals at 12.5% PMAX, at a self-selected cadence. Expired gases were collected and VO2 measured continuously. Post-exercise questionnaires were administered to identify differences in indices related to intrinsic motivation, subjective vitality, and future exercise intentions.

Results: Enjoyment was higher for track vs. blank (difference: 0.9; 95% CI: 0.6, 1.3) with no other differences between conditions. There was no difference in mean power output for track vs. blank, however it was higher for track vs. ghost (difference: 5 Watts; CI: 3, 7), and hard vs. ghost (difference: 19 Watts; 95% CI: 15, 23).

Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that VR-exergaming is an effective intervention to increase enjoyment during a single bout of HIIT in untrained individuals. The presence of a ghost may be an effective method to increase exercise intensity of VR-HIIT.  相似文献   
肺动脉高压(pulmonary arterial hypertension,PAH)是一类以肺动脉渐进性闭塞导致肺血管阻力逐渐升高继而诱发右心室衰竭的一种恶性肺血管疾病。PAH病理发生、发展的机制包括炎症反应诱发的内质网应激(endoplasmic reticulum stress,ERS),继而促使血管平滑肌细胞过度增殖和迁移;以及线粒体自噬相关蛋白PINK1和Parkin以及LC3的表达增加,使血管平滑肌呈现抗凋亡表型,并伴随有氧氧化功能损伤,无氧酵解依赖性增加等问题。PAH进一步发展会诱发多种并发症,包括低氧血症、肺纤维化以及右心肥大,可直接引起肺动脉压增加,继而增加心脏压力导致心力衰竭,这是病理发展的主要方向。作为可能治疗PAH的手段之一,有氧运动可从调控ERS、线粒体自噬、改善机体代谢3个方面抑制PAH病理进程。研究综述了近年来关于PAH发生、发展的分子机制的研究进展,进一步论述了有氧运动对PAH改善的分子机制。  相似文献   
作为心肌损伤的特异性指标,心肌肌钙蛋白(cTn)在临床诊断心肌病中具有较高的价值。马拉松等耐力运动后,血清cTn异常升高的生理、病理意义仍存在较大争议。通过总结马拉松等耐力运动后cTn的释放规律和右心室(RV)损伤情况,研究探讨了运动后血清cTn的可能来源,以及利用血清cTn评价运动后RV心肌损伤性质的可行性。研究认为:1)一次性马拉松等耐力运动后的血清cTn异常升高,可能是由于RV心肌结构蛋白损伤所致;2)一次性马拉松等耐力运动,可能导致不同性质的RV心肌损伤,通过结合运动后血清cTn的升高水平和持续升高的时间,可以对RV心肌损伤的性质进行评价。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料法、综述法,以"运动处方""治疗""抑郁症"等为关键词,在中国知网、超星发现等文献网站,搜索相关文献,进行归纳总结。得出结论并提出建议,旨在整理出运动处方治疗抑郁症的研究现状,为今后的研究发展提供参考。  相似文献   
以人民健康为中心,主动健康为导向,发挥全民科学健身在健康促进、慢性病预防和康复等方面的积极作用,把健康关口前移到健康维护和疾病防控,推动形成“体医融合”的疾病管理与健康服务模式,是健康中国行动的目标与任务。国家运动处方库建设是在健康中国战略指引下,在借鉴学习国外运动处方研究、推广和应用先进成果的基础上,通过对我国运动处方内容系统、运动处方师培训系统、运动处方应用系统的构建,通过健康人群、疾病风险人群、慢性疾病人群、功能受损人群、发展性障碍人群运动处方的制定及运动处方推广应用路径的选择,将我国运动处方的研究、推广和应用向着科学、严谨、规范、深入推进,让具有科学性、针对性、有效性、可操作性并适合中国人体质特点的运动处方惠及我国亿万民众,为增强国民体质、增进国民健康,实现健康中国目标做出应有贡献,为世界运动处方的理论与实践提供中国经验与借鉴。  相似文献   

Meta-analytic evidence supports that exercise has benefits for short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). However, only three studies with children have tested the differential effects of exercise on STM and LTM. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an aerobic fitness test on STM and LTM and to consider the moderating effects of grade level. Children (7–13 years of age) were randomly assigned to either perform an aerobic fitness test before (exercise prior) or after (exercise post) performing the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) to assess memory. Memory was tested again after approximately 24 hours. There were significant differences in memory performance as a function of grade with 4th and 6th graders consistently outperforming 2nd graders. For learning, Day 1 Retention, 24-hr recall, and Day 2 Retention, the exercise prior group performed better than the exercise post group. It is concluded that an aerobic fitness test performed prior to a declarative memory test benefits LTM as compared to when the aerobic fitness test is performed after the memory test.  相似文献   
运动作为防治疾病的一味"药",正迅速被越来越多的医生所认可,并走进了大众的日常生活。运动既然是"药",就不该是"多多益善",而应该是"量体裁衣"、个性化定制,也因此需要处方。文章旨在回顾运动处方过去和现在的发展与对未来发展需求的猜测,对这个方兴未艾的领域增进了解,并进行系统介绍。追溯运动处方的研究和发展历史,大致可以分为4个时期3个阶段,从认识到运动对健康的重要性到运动成为防病治病的良药以及运动处方的发展走过了近70年的历程。国外大量科学的研究(尤其是追踪研究)和数据是支持运动处方不断前进的基石。从运动处方科学发展中所学到的智慧将会对中国传统运动处方的建设、中国大众的健康促进作出积极贡献。  相似文献   
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